“If we could do something that enhances the body’s immune system here on Earth, it would be a tremendous step forward in the fight against disease and cancer and other things.”- John Glenn
The immune system, or our body's internal army, operates extremely intuitive yet complex and smartly to protect our body from external and internal threats. In the following article, we will discuss different parts, "brigades," of our immune system and how it is arranged to work together for the common good of our body.
What are the different parts of our immune system??
You can easily think of the immune system as an army. Any army contains Some kind of headquarters, Training camps, General troops, and different brigades that perform specific and complicated functions. Our body defends itself in the same way that the immune system is generally divided into 2 sectors:
1/The natural immune system is called the "innate immune system."
2/The more specialized immune system is called the "adaptive immune system."
What is the Innate immune system?
The innate immune system is the first line of protection for our body. It includes several mechanisms, from the intact skin to highly specialized cells. The major distinctive feature of the innate immune system is that it needs to be more technical. It attacks and destroys a wide variety of bugs, even if it is the first time to interact with them. The primary cell that represents the innate immune system is a neutrophil or a neutral cell. These neutrophils, wherever encountering any bug wandering anywhere within the body, starts poring on it, a toxin that destroys this bug and recruits more specialized forces to deal with it.
What is the adaptive immune system?
The adaptive immune system is a more specialized force in our body. It is called adaptive, as it owns special weapons for each bug species. It is not just pouring toxins on the infecting bugs. It targets them directly through molecules that only recognize this particular species of bugs. Two primary cells represent the adaptive immune system, the T cells and The B cells. The T cells are considered special forces cells that go directly to the bugs to hit them in the heart. The other B cells launch rockets called antibodies that surf all the body parts tell, reaching its specific target, Smart enough.
What are other Special forces in our body?
Our body contains other special forces that are directed against specific types of bugs. We have acidic cells, or eosinophils, which protect our bodies from parasites and worms. One cell, called the basic cells or the basophils is stimulated by toxins. We also have bloody cells reach the natural killer cells that fight cells infected by viruses.
In general, our body can destroy various grades of pathogens in an integrated, intuitive way.
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