What causes Endometriosis?!!


endomtriosis abdominal pain

Endometriosis is a chronic disease that severely affects the quality of life of many females through its intolerable pain. Being a disease of the childbearing period, it may be the first presentation of infertility. In the following article, we will discuss different aspects of Endometriosis, from the theory of its development to the possible complication of such a condition. 

“I began to realize that I knew more about endometriosis than my doctor did.”

Bethany Stahl, Endometriosis: It’s Not in Your Head, It’s in Your Pelvis

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a disease of your endometrium lining, found in places outside the endometrium cavity. It may be found on your ovaries, pelvic muscles, vagina, and urinary bladder and may even take a long trip to your nose and lungs. The endometrium carries a small role in the suffering of women with Endometriosis. However, its responsiveness to the circulating hormones causes the problem. To understand what causes most of the suffering symptoms associated with Endometriosis, we shall recap the function of the endometrial lining within the uterus. In response to hormones, the endometrial lining starts to multiplicate and get thickened in a trial to be ready for any welcoming baby. And after the level of hormones decreases the time before the period substantially, all of the thickened endometria is shredded with the period flow.

Endometriosis crying uterus

All of these changes occur when the endometrium lining within the uterus also occurs when this endometrium lining occurs outside the uterus. So imagine that an endometrial mass is present on the ovary and starts to expand the days before your period and then starts to bleed when the hormone is down. These changes make the characteristic pain of Endometriosis, a basic level of discomfort usually in the pelvis that becomes exacerbated with the upcoming period; yes, you can think of it as minor internal bleeding. But it does not just pain the blood accumulating within the pelvis of endometriotic ladies heals with fibrous bands which locally distort the adjacent structures like the ovary, uterus, and bowl.

What causes Endometriosis??!

what causes endometriosis

Endometriosis cause is an issue that no one actually knows. No one knows why and how the endometrium leaves the uterus and takes a trip to the adjacent pelvic organs and even far away. One interesting theory demonstrates that Endometriosis is caused by the reflux of the period blood away from the vaginal route and gets back to the pelvis; however, a major objection to that theory is it does not clarify the cause of having an endometriotic lesion in the nose or the lung. Some other scientist says it is a genetic disease in the family. If any women have an identical twin with Endometriosis, she will have a higher risk of developing Endometriosis.

When to suspect that you have Endometriosis?

endomtriosis and couple with infertility

In fact, Endometriosis has a wide range of symptoms, from asymptomatic to a devastating disease. However, there is a common presentation of Endometriosis that almost all affect women in the childbearing period that, includes:

  • Chronic pelvic pain.
  • Abnormal pain during menstruation. (For information about normal menstruation)
  • Persistent pain between menstruation.
  • The presentation during sexual intercourse.
  • Failure to get pregnant (infertility).
  • Failure to get pregnant.
  • Other unusual presentations:
  • Bleeding per urine coincides with the time of menstruation.
  • Bleeding per nose coincides with the time of menstruation.

The nutshell of Endometriosis:

Endometriosis is a chronic disease that may be asymptomatic or presents with infertility or chronic pain. The actual cause of Endometriosis is not readily known.



