Pregnancy is considered one of the most challenging periods in the life of any female, although interesting. Throughout this period, multiple changes occur in your body to compensate for the newcomer. So in this post, we will discuss different changes in your body during pregnancy.
“It is said that the present is pregnant with the future.”
What is the cornerstone of all of these changes?
The different changes during pregnancy are generally attributed to 2 major factors, hormonal factors and other mechanical facto created by the growing baby in the womb. Any female during pregnancy, especially the first three months, will be the center of a hormonal storm secreted in a hurry to prepare the body for the newcomer. It changes your heart, brain, blood vessels, and even breast.
Changes in Bowl……………
Morning sickness will be the first thing that will come to the hearts and brains of many women who read this and get pregnant. Morning sickness is one of the commonest manifestations of early pregnancy in which the pregnant lady feels nauseating with an intense urge to vomit. She may also lose some of her appetites due to the continuous bothering nausea. The cause is the rising level of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin or hCG, the same hormone tested in a home pregnancy kit. It actually denotes that your baby is growing normally in the womb. Usually, nausea subsides after the first 3 months of pregnancy when the hormone level falls. However, it is not always normal, and some red flags the need for immediate medical attention (check this post).
Changes in Heart………………………..
Every mom gets that feeling that can not be written in words about bonding with her new babies, but this is not the change I mean. At the level of a four-chambered heart, not a cupid heart, multiple changes take place to make the seat ready to carry the extra load created by the newcomer. The heart function starts to increase by about 30-50% to meet the new requirements.
It also causes the widening of your blood vessels to allow the delivery of more blood to your baby. The widening of the blood vessels causes your blood pressure to fall during the whole course of pregnancy. So the default blood pressure in pregnancy is low. If it gets elevated, medical attention should be sought as it may be a condition called preeclampsia or gestational hypertension(check this post for more details ).
Changes in Breast……….Not just enlargement.
As a preparation for your body for lactation, some transient and other permanent changes take place in your breast. Yes …the breast gets enlarged due to an increase in the number of milk formation and delivery units and also an increase in the amount of fat. There is also increased pigmentation around the nipple and the areola. Some women experience a yellowish discharge from the nipple called colostrum. The appearance of colostrum at the end of the 4th month is essentially normal; however, in some cases, it may draw attention to the impending death of the baby (check this post for more details).
In A nutshell………..
It is normal to have some changes occur in your body during pregnancy. Feel and enjoy it .you should also pay attention to some grey changes that may denote underlying diseases.
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