The COVID-19 pandemic, since its emergence in late 2019, has caused waves of false information. In the following article, we are going to discuss the essential information that you must know about COVID
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the coronavirus disease first encountered in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since its appearance in China, it has become an international threat that has forced almost all countries to take action to control it.
What is the Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus family is a well-known family of viruses that cause a spectrum of diseases, with respiratory problems being common. Previously this family of viruses has caused severe respiratory conditions in those living in the middle east, including Sadia Arabia, Oman, and many other countries. It is called a corona, as the viral particles appear as if it is surrounded by a crown.
How is COVID transmitted?
COVID is mainly transmitted when the infected body fluids from infected patients come in contact with your mucosal membrane(The membrane covering your gut, urine route, and genital organs ). These infected body fluids may go directly from the infected person while coughing or sneezing or be encountered indirectly when you touch a surface covered with infected material.
What are the symptoms of COVID?
- Fever
- cough
- Difficulty in breathing
- Muscle aches
- loss of smell
- diarrhea
Is COVID infection fatal?
Despite being a state of international concern. COVID infection is not essentially fatal. The risk of death with the COVID virus varies by country and ranges from 0.1% to 25%. Deaths associated with the COVID virus are usually associated with a severe decrease in lung function due to intense reactions created by the body against the infection located in the lungs.
Is there no treatment for COVID?
It is hard to think that a completely new medical condition comes into place that we need to have information about. Until writing these words, there is no cure for COVID infection, and most medications are given to control the effect created by the virus infection but don't treat the virus itself. Hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in treating the disease or preventing the associated deaths.
Are the vaccines effective against COVID?
Vaccines are considered one of our strongest weapons in stopping the spread of infection. The target of most of the WHO vaccines is to prevent severe diseases associated with COVID that are responsible for deaths in COVID patients. All of the vaccines are intended to mount the immune system to be ready to fight the virus efficiently and rapidly before developing severe symptoms. The effectiveness of most of the WHO-approved vaccines ranged from 79 % to 95%. It is unclear whether or not the vaccine prevents the transmission of infection.
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